Why do we want this?

The money. And it eliminates the possibility of being tempted to sell the land to a developer.

Why does the Township want this?

The township has funds dedicated to preserving open space and is under pressure to make use of it. A large track of land such as the Philadelphia Glider Port is an attractive plot to preserve.

Section A.7 states “….includes as a primary purpose the preservation and protection of the land in its natural, agricultural, and open space condition.“ that does not sound like it is preserving the gliderport?

See section A.1 where it states “…The Gliderport is recognized herein as a lawful pre-existing, non-conforming use. So as long as we continue to own and operate the Gliderport, the gliderport is recognized as a lawful use. Should we sell or discontinue using it as a Gliderport, the land will be preserved as open space.

How much will we have to pay in taxes?

We are not sure; it could be about $700,000, it might be zero. We are talking with a tax attorney to get a better idea. Income that is generated from investing this will be taxable as non-related business tax.

What will we do with the money?

That is up to the membership, We are consulting with legal/accounting experts to determine how best to invest with minimal tax impact. Long term this is a complex problem we will need to discuss and deal with. We should consider: Near term needs – facilities! Smooth Runway Install drainage on the field to eliminate wet … Read more