2022 is upon us.

We are in that magical week between Christmas and New Years. I’ve always enjoyed this week because when I was working we always had a “plant shutdown” and so I had the week off. Amy just reminded me that just because I’m retired does not mean I don’t get to take this week off as well. So, I’m taking the week off, and just enjoying the things I would be doing if I had been working the other weeks of the year. Unfortunately the weather is not supportive of flying.

Twenty twenty-one proved that PGC can survive and even thrive in a world with a pandemic. We’ve rebuilt our membership and returned to (more or less) regular instruction, with precautions. Cross country activities are way up this year, what better way to socially isolate than in a single place glider at 5000′?

Unfortunately COVID is still with us. That issue is constantly changing and PGC will adapt as it goes. For now continue to wear masks in the clubhouse and in two place gliders as necessary. Get a booster shot if you are eligible.

We will be relocating a Grob 103 to Wurtsboro(N82) for the winter. They have a paved and regularly plowed runway with tow pilots available. This is an opportunity to fly and stay current all winter long even when our field is covered with snow or thick with mud. See Wolfgang, Lukas or Mik for details.

Twenty twenty-two is going to bring new challenges. The weather does not look to be good for our tradadional flying on the first, but we will gather for coffee and donuts.

Wishing you all a great new year!