We cracked it open. And wow…

PX and KG are back at PGC! And boy are they shiny. Now for the challenge: Do we deserve such beautiful ships! Can we keep them clean? It’s up to each one of us!
Having observed the way in which Jef Potters and Jack managed the logistics of getting PX and KG ReFinish’d in Poland, it was not a surprise, that the container arrived today 15 minutes early at PGC, followed two minutes later by the crane needed to get the container off the truck and positioned out of the way but easily accessible. There is still some work to do to install the instruments, perform a weight and balance and get the Annual. But answer the call, when we reach out for hands to help at any of these steps.

Mark the dates:

  • Informational meeting regarding investment, Long Range Planning and Disbursement rules:
    • In person at PGC Saturday August 26th around 5:30 pm
    • Zoom Thursday August 30th 7:30 pm
  • Founder Day picnic September 9th starting 5 pm starring the “Honking Geezers”
  • Fall membership meeting November 4th 10 am Calvary Church

Once again, even with lower ceilings and smoke, it was packed full with flights. And a quick pivot to Van Sant allowed flying while a TFR was in effect over PGC. But never believe the forecast. The weekend was phenomenal with Julia, Lukas and Laviniu finishing a 100 mile task and Fiona making her Silver Distance to Solberg. Oh yeah, and I landed out on both days. Yep. I hear you. To our tow pilots and instructors a huge thank you for making a week like this possible. And a special hurrah to Steve Devine for making the encampment a corner stone of our summer flying. And whoever says that these are the dog days of summer – I did reach 6600 feet on Sunday, once I was back in the air. And it is wonderfully cool up there.

Did you notice?
There are new cushions. A big thank you to Phil Klauder and Michelle Wootton for putting a lot of work into getting us cushions that should be more comfortable and especially less bouncy, as they have memory foam used as seating material in many GA aircraft.
The runways are in great condition. And that requires lot’s of mowing and continuous maintenance work on the equipment.
Nick Frezza, our Buildings chair is working through his list of items he created earlier this year.

Systems issues
We needed to make changes to the flight logging, as the old code created about 12 years ago was preventing us from making some critical security updates to our website. Change sometimes feels like a step back. Should flight logging not work, please fall back to what has always worked – a paper flight log (forms are at the flight desk) and send a copy to Dave Johnson. While you may think it’s just the old iPad, the logging is actually much more involved and writes to a data base, which is then used to reasonably easy export the data into Quickbooks for billing. So it’s not an issue, that we can resolve by simply buying something new. Should you run into issues, please provide some details as to what doesn’t work. Just “doesn’t work” is not sufficient for troubleshooting.

Siding Classroom #6
A first window has arrived to verify, that everything looks good. then the remainder will be ordered and work can start.

We need your help
Should you be approached about running for the board, please consider doing so.
And we are still looking for person to head up the Grounds committee.  Please reach out to me, if you are interested to help

F2 is going to the Regionals in Dansville, New York next month with Jack, Mik and Lukas sharing the flying through the contest week. And Julia will be flying VB.

New to the club?
Besides all the other reading you may already be doing, go back in the President’s column. those will give you an overview of what has happened over the last couple years and also clarifies some things that may confuse. For example, did you know, that we have a Discord channel? See here for that post: https://www.pgcsoaring.com/presidents-column/the-season-has-started/

Trailer spots / Hangar for sale

Klaus Esser and Justin Shaw each have a trailer spot in the South hangar for sale. Asking price $6,000.
A trailer spot is available in the South Hangar for rent ($500/year).
If you are interested in any of the above, please reach out to our secretary Michelle Wootton. All sales have to be approved by the board.